

13 HashTable抽象哈希表类——Live555源码阅读(一)基本组件类

[TOC] 博客园文章地址 http://www.cnblogs.com/oloroso/archive/2015/06/25/4599526.html 这是Live555源码阅读的第一部分,包括了时间类,延时队列类,处理程序描述类,哈希表类这四个大类。

本文由乌合之众 lym瞎编,欢迎转载 http://www.cnblogs.com/oloroso/ 本文由乌合之众 lym瞎编,欢迎转载 my.oschina.net/oloroso


HashTable类内部嵌套定义了一个迭代器类Iterator,这个迭代器类用于循环访问表的成员。这也是一个抽象类,但是其有一个静态的方法static Iterator* create(HashTable& hashTable);这个方法用于创建一个BasicHashTable::Iterator对象,并返回其地址。


class HashTable {
	virtual ~HashTable();

	// The following must be implemented by a particular
	// implementation (subclass):
	static HashTable* create(int keyType);

	virtual void* Add(char const* key, void* value) = 0;
		// Returns the old value if different, otherwise 0
	virtual Boolean Remove(char const* key) = 0;
	virtual void* Lookup(char const* key) const = 0;
		// Returns 0 if not found
        virtual unsigned numEntries() const = 0;
        Boolean IsEmpty() const { return numEntries() == 0; }

	// Used to iterate through the members of the table:
class Iterator {
		// The following must be implemented by a particular
		// implementation (subclass):
		static Iterator* create(HashTable& hashTable);
		virtual ~Iterator();
		virtual void* next(char const*& key) = 0; // returns 0 if none
		Iterator(); // abstract base class

        // A shortcut that can be used to successively remove each of
        // the entries in the table (e.g., so that their values can be
        // deleted, if they happen to be pointers to allocated memory).
        void* RemoveNext();
	HashTable(); // abstract base class

###迭代器HashTable:: Iterator ::create方法


HashTable::Iterator* HashTable::Iterator::create(HashTable& hashTable) {
  // "hashTable" is assumed to be a BasicHashTable
  return new BasicHashTable::Iterator((BasicHashTable&)hashTable);



HashTable* HashTable::create(int keyType) {
  return new BasicHashTable(keyType);



void* HashTable::RemoveNext() {
  Iterator* iter = Iterator::create(*this);
  char const* key;
  void* removedValue = iter->next(key);
  if (removedValue != 0) Remove(key);

  delete iter;
  return removedValue;